Welcome to the website of CLIMB, the Center for Loss in Multiple Birth, Inc. We are parents who have experienced the death of one or more, both or all of our twins or higher multiples at any time from conception through birth, in infancy or in childhood. We originated in 1987, when a mother whose twin son died very suddenly at birth believed that she was truly the only one – then began to search for “a few” others. Soon, she was hearing from families everywhere who were struggling to cope and heal from the devastating loss of their twin or twins, their triplet or triplets or other higher multiples, in a wide variety of circumstances – in sad contrast to the happy images of multiples portrayed in the media and elsewhere.
At a time when the number of multiple pregnancies has increased dramatically, our mission is and has always been to ensure that none of us who have found ourselves on the tragic side of the higher risks for twins and higher multiples needs to feel truly alone or like the only one, no matter what the loss or the circumstances. We do this by ensuring that bereaved multiple birth parents have the same opportunities other bereaved parents need and want: to read materials that relate to what we are going through – to talk to others who we know truly do understand – and to gain information that in some way relates to our loss and the challenges we are facing as people and as parents.
In the process, we’ve found that speaking up about our experiences and their immediate and long-term impacts on us helps the public to learn the real extent of twin loss and higher multiple loss and the importance of making all possible efforts toward preventing them. It also helps relatives, friends, and caring others such as health care professionals, twins and multiples clubs, and loss support groups learn how they can offer the most meaningful support.
We hope you will benefit from our site, and you are welcome to be in touch with us.
Join our Facebook group
If you are a bereaved parent or grandparent of a twin or twins or higher multiple(s) in pregnancy or birth, infancy or early childhood, you’re welcome to join our Facebook group: go to CLIMB Inc. (loss in twin or higher multiple birth) and reply to the membership questions.
New items
We have rebuilt our site after a very unfortunate event with our hosting service…and we’ve added a section for items that are new since the previous site. We’ll be adding to this as we go forward–and you are welcome to share your story or other things that would be of interest.